トップ 5 に 3 チームと、レース日2日目も日本勢が好調を維持。
4位、5位には共に子育てをしながら競技を続けるフランスのカミーユ ルコントルと日本の吉田 愛のベテランチーム
1 位:磯崎 哲也/関 友里恵 10 ポイント
2 位:岡田 奎樹/吉岡 美帆 11 ポイント
3 位:Simon Diesch/Anna Markfort(ドイツ)12 ポイント
4 位:Camille Lecointre/Jeremie Mion(フランス)15 ポイント
5 位:吉田 愛/吉田 雄悟 19 ポイント
17 位:高山 大智/盛田 冬華 35 ポイント
[Breaking News/Sailing] Japanese sailors continue to do well on the second day! 3 teams in top 5 470 class world championship (Mallorca, Spain, held until March 3rd)
This is a follow-up report on the “2024 470 Class World Championship” currently being held in Mallorca, Spain.
Japanese teams continued to perform well on the second day of the race, with three teams in the top five.
[The following is reprinted from the Japan Sailing Federation press release]
Even though the Isozaki/Seki pair fell behind in the early stages of the race, they managed to catch up by the finish line and maintain the interim lead.
The Okada/Yoshioka pair has steadily moved up to second place, one point behind the leader, with a sense of stability that has ensured they are at the top of the rankings.
Fourth and fifth place went to the veteran team of France’s Camille Lecontre and Japan’s Ai Yoshida, who continue to compete while raising their children. The Takayama/Morita team also moved up three places to tentatively 17th place.
The qualifying series ends today, and tomorrow we will move on to the final series, where the top and bottom teams will compete.
All four Japanese teams advanced to the top Gold Fleet.
The close competition will continue until the final day, March 3rd.
This tournament is also the first selection competition for Japan’s mixed 470 class Olympic team at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.If you make it to the podium, 1st place will be minus 8 points from the overall points, 2nd place will be minus 7 points, and 3rd place will be minus 6 points. bonus points will be awarded.
[Results at the end of 5 races] (61 participating boats)
1st place: Tetsuya Isozaki / Yurie Seki 10 points
2nd place: Keiki Okada/Miho Yoshioka 11 points
3rd place: Simon Diesch/Anna Markfort (Germany) 12 points
4th place: Camille Lecointre/Jeremie Mion (France) 15 points
5th place: Ai Yoshida/Yugo Yoshida 19 points —–
17th place: Daichi Takayama/Fuyuka Morita 35 points
Selection method
The overall results of the two tournaments are added together and the bonus points awarded at the World Championships for each event are adjusted from there.
The team with the fewest points will be selected as the representative.
If you reach the podium in this tournament, you will be awarded the following bonus points.
1st place → minus 8 points from the total points,
2nd place → minus 7 points
3rd place → minus 6 points
Tournament official website: https://2024worlds.470.org/en/default/races/race
Results table: https://2024worlds.470.org/en/default/races/race-resultsall
Information on this article Publisher: Japan Sailing Federation
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