ANAウインドサーフィンワールドカップ横須賀・三浦大会中継 4日目 (11/14Mon.)
【速報】ANAウィンドサーフィンワールドカップ横須賀・三浦大会 5日目 (11/15Tue.)
【NEWS】 女子Slalom Winner’s Final 穴山未生選手11位・新嶋莉奈選手12位!
【NEWS】HEAT2・男子Slalom、穴見賢太選手 Japan1位・ 中嶋颯選手 2位
【NEWS】Elimination5 Slalom順次掲載予定。(12:00)
【NEWS】Elimination4・女子Slalom(HEAT1 14名)スタート。上位7名が勝ち上がり。
男子・Slalom Elimination5 (←クリックでレース結果に移動)
女子・ Slalom Elimination5 (←クリックでレース結果に移動)
男子・Slalom Elimination4 (←クリックでレース結果に移動)
女子・Slalom Elimination4 (←クリックでレース結果に移動)
PR:一休.com 穏やかな海と豊かな自然が織りなす日本有数の別荘地、南葉山の海沿いに建つ邸宅の最上階 &SUN Penthouse。【一休.comで予約】葉山・横須賀の貸別荘「& SUN Penthouse」
男子・ Slalom Elimination5
1st JPN6 穴見 賢太 Japan
2nd JPN-4501 中嶋 颯 Japan
3rd JPN-28 賀来 耕一郎 Japan
4th JPN-22 国枝 信哉 Japan
5th JPN-97 田渕 雅基 Japan
6th SGP-21 Lo Jun Hao Singapore
JPN-77 永井 克郎 Japan
JPN-332 力竹 孝 Japan
1st JPN-9 工藤 輝 Japan
2nd JPN-54 倉持 大也 Japan
3rd J-85 鈴木 智彦 Japan
4th JPN-21 生駒 大輔 Japan
5th JPN-33 忽那 敏章 Japan
6th J-850 五端 博之 Japan
JPN-450 中嶋 基 Japan
NMI-1 大野 晴光 Saipan
男子・ Slalom Elimination4
Winner’s Final
1st F-465 Nicolas Goyard France
2nd CRO-401 Enrico Marotti Croatia
3rd F-192 Antoine Albeau France
4th POL-23 Maciek Rutkowski Poland
5th DEN-37 Johan Soe Denmark
6th NB-9 Elton Taty Frans Bonaire
7th FRA-91 Cedric Bordes France
8th DEN-24 Sebastian Kornum Denmark
Loser’s Final
1st ITA-140 Matteo Iachino Italy
2nd NED-69 Jordy Vonk Holland
3rd BRA-7 Mateus Isaac Brazil
4th FRA-99 Antoine Questel France
5th ITA-160 Bruno Martini Italy
6th FRA-752 Alexandre Cousin France
F-14 Pierre Mortefon France
9F-888 Jimmy Thieme France
1st F-465 Nicolas Goyard France
2nd CRO-401 Enrico Marotti Croatia
3rd DEN-37 Johan Soe Denmark
4th FRA-91 Cedric Bordes France
5th F-14 Pierre Mortefon France
6th FRA-752 Alexandre Cousin France
7th FRA-99 Antoine Questel France
F-888 Jimmy Thieme France
1st DEN-24 Sebastian Kornum Denmark
2nd POL-23 Maciek Rutkowski Poland
3rd NB-9 Elton Taty Frans Bonaire
4th ITA-160 Bruno Martini Italy
5th F-192 Antoine Albeau France
6th ITA-140 Matteo Iachino Italy
7th NED-69 Jordy Vonk Holland
BRA-7 Mateus Isaac Brazil
1st F-14 Pierre Mortefon France
2nd FRA-91 Cedric Bordes France
3rd FRA-752 Alexandre Cousin France
4th CRO-401 Enrico Marotti Croatia
5th FRA-498 Basile Jacquin France
6th JPN-60 穴見 知典 Japan
7th NB-20 Amado Vrieswijk Bonaire
8th BEL-250 Cyril Evrard Belgium
1st F-465 Nicolas Goyard France
2nd DEN-37 Johan Soe Denmark
3rd FRA-99 Antoine Questel France
4th F-888 Jimmy Thieme France
5th FRA-1052 Lohan Jules France
6th FRA-330 William Huppert France
7th ITA-60 Daniele Benedetti Iyaly
8th J-25 浅野 則夫 Japan
1st ITA-160 Bruno Martini Italy
2nd NB-9 Elton Taty Frans Bonaire
3rd POL-23 Maciek Rutkowski Poland
4th BRA-7 Mateus Isaac Brazil
5th ISR-1 Arnon Dagan Israel
6th GER-220 Sebastian Kördel German
7th JPN-75 田島 航 Japan
8th LTU-7 Rytis Jasiunas Lithuania
4th F-192 Antoine Albeau France
2nd DEN-24 Sebastian Kornum Denmark
3rd ITA-140 Matteo Iachino Italy
THAI-1 Will McMillan Thailand
5th FRA-945 Pierre Macquaert France
6th FRA-6 Julien Bontemps France
7th JPN-84 北原 賢 Japan
1st NED-69 Jordy Vonk Holland
2nd BEL-250 Cyril Evrard Belgium
3rd FRA-91 Cedric Bordes France
4th FRA-752 Alexandre Cousin France
1st JPN-60 穴見 知典 Japan
6th JPN-814 金上 颯大 Japan
5th JPN-121 中井 忠則 Japan
7th JPN-450 中嶋 基 Japan
J-85 鈴木 智彦 Japan
2nd FRA-1052 Lohan Jules France
1st F-888 Jimmy Thieme France
3rd ITA-60 Daniele Benedetti Iyaly
4th J-25 浅野 則夫 Japan
8th JPN-22 国枝 信哉 Japan
5th SGP-1 Wearn Haw Tan Singapore
7th JPN-28 賀来 耕一郎 Japan
6th JPN-1117 大館 弘 Japan
2nd LTU-7 Rytis Jasiunas Lithuania
1st NB-9 Elton Taty Frans Bonaire
4th ISR-1 Arnon Dagan Israel
5th JPN-67 山田 昭彦 Japan
3rd JPN-75 田島 航 Japan
6th JPN-11 富澤 慎 Japan
JPN-9 工藤 輝 Japan
J-850 五端 博之 Japan
2nd FRA-945 Pierre Macquaert France
3rd FRA-6 Julien Bontemps France
1st NED-69 Jordy Vonk Holland
7th JPN6 穴見 賢太 Japan
4th JPN-84 北原 賢 Japan
6th J-99 小玉 欣一 Japan
5th JPN-57 香村 治彦 Japan
JPN-97 田渕 雅基 Japan
3rd JPN-28 賀来 耕一郎 Japan
JPN-33 忽那 敏章 Japan
1st JPN-332 力竹 孝 Japan
5th JPN-450 中嶋 基 Japan
6th JPN-4501 中嶋 颯 Japan
4th JPN-1117 大館 弘 Japan
2nd J-85 鈴木 智彦 Japan
NMI-1 大野 晴光 Saipan
JPN-77 永井 克郎 Japan
JPN-54 倉持 大也 Japan
J-850 五端 博之 Japan
3rd JPN-97 田渕 雅基 Japan
2nd JPN-57 香村 治彦 Japan
JPN-21 生駒 大輔 Japan
1st JPN-9 工藤 輝 Japan
4th JPN-22 国枝 信哉 Japan
SGP-21 Lo Jun Hao Singapore
女子・Slalom Elimination5 CANCELD
Winner’s Final
Loser’s Final
ARU-91 Sarah-Quita Offringa Aruba
FRA-203 Mae Davico France
JPN-498 鈴木 理美 Japan
JPN-470 須長 由季 Japan
GBR-96 Jenna Gibson Great Britain
GBR-248 Alice Read Great Britain
NC-815 Océane Lescadieu France/New Caledonia
F-171 Justine Lemeteyer France
GBR-71 Sarah Jackson Great Britain
JPN-311 穴山 未生 Japan
JPN-371 佐伯 さな Japan
JPN-3103 鈴木 智美 Japan
JPN-31 山辺 美希 Japan
NZL-48 Veerle Veerle ten Have New Zealand
女子・Slalom Elimination4
Winner’s Final
1st F-171 Justine Lemeteyer France
2nd FRA-118 Marion Mortefon France
3rd ARU-91 Sarah-Quita Offringa Aruba
4th NOR-39 Helle Oppedal Norway
5th HKG-3 Ma Kwan Ching Hong Kong
6th GBR-71 Sarah Jackson Great Britain
7th GBR-248 Alice Read Great Britain
8th E-3 Blanca Alabau Spain
9th FRA-775 Delphine Cousin Questel France
10th NC-815 Océane Lescadieu France/New Caledonia
11th JPN-311 穴山 未生 Japan
12th JPN-4 新嶋 莉奈 Japan
JPN-35 伊勢田 愛 Japan
NZL-48 Veerle Veerle ten Have New Zealand
Loser’s Final
1st GBR-96 Jenna Gibson Great Britain
2nd GER-799 Theresa Steinlein German
3rd ISR-3 Tibi Scahar Israel
4th GBR-71 Sarah Jackson Great Britain
5th J-94 大西 富士子 Japan
6th JPN-61 鈴木 文子 Japan
7th JPN-31 山辺 美希 Japan
8th JPN-470 須長 由季 Japan
FRA-203 Mae Davico France
JPN-3103 鈴木 智美 Japan
JPN-774 石井 有夏 Japan
J-165 窪田 玲佳 Japan
AUS-420 Sammie Costin
1st F-171 Justine Lemeteyer France
6th HKG-3 Ma Kwan Ching Hong Kong
3th NOR-39 Helle Oppedal Norway
8th GER-799 Theresa Steinlein German
9th GBR-96 Jenna Gibson Great Britain
2th ARU-91 Sarah-Quita Offringa Aruba
7th JPN-311 穴山 未生 Japan
11th JPN-371 佐伯 さな Japan
10th J-94 大西 富士子 Japan
4th JPN-4 新嶋 莉奈 Japan
JPN-470 須長 由季 Japan
12th JPN-61 鈴木 文子 Japan
5th FRA-775 Delphine Cousin Questel France
JPN-3103 鈴木 智美 Japan
3rd E-3 Blanca Alabau Spain
1st FRA-118 Marion Mortefon France
7th ISR-3 Tibi Scahar Israel
NZL-48 Veerle Veerle ten Have New Zealand
AUS-420 Sammie Costin
4th GBR-248 Alice Read Great Britain
FRA-203 Mae Davico France
6th NC-815 Océane Lescadieu France/New Caledonia
2nd GBR-71 Sarah Jackson Great Britain
8th JPN-31 山辺 美希 Japan
J-165 窪田 玲佳 Japan
JPN-498 鈴木 理美 Japan
JPN-774 石井 有夏 Japan
5th JPN-35 伊勢田 愛 Japan
Men Slalom Elimination3 (←クリックでレース結果に移動)
Women Slalom Elimination3 (←クリックでレース結果に移動)
Men Slalom Elimination2 (←クリックでレース結果に移動)
Women Slalom Elimination2 (←クリックでレース結果に移動)
【NEWS】WINNER’S FINALの順位決定。(レース結果へ)
【NEWS】LOSER’S FINALの順位決定。(レース結果へ)
【NEWS】FRA-498 Basile Jacquin( France) がRecallで7名でWINNER’S FINALを戦います。
10:26 スタート予定
【NEWS】Men Slalom WINNER’S FINAL ・LOSER’S FINAL出場選手を掲載しました。
【NEWS】Men Slalom 穴見 賢太選手がLOSER’S FINAL進出。昨日予定のWINNER’S FINAL ・LOSER’S FINALから大会3日目スタート。本日の結果確認取れ次第、当ページに(大会3日目)に掲載します。
【NEWS】Women Slalom LOSER’S FINAL(11/12結果) 穴山未生 選手1位、須長由季選手2位、大西富士子選手3位、鈴木文子選手5位、山辺美希選手7位。目を見張る日本人選手の活躍!
【NEWS】Slalom Women WINNER’S FINAL にて新嶋 莉奈選手が5位、伊勢田 愛選手が6位に!
Men Slalom Elimination1 (←クリックでレース結果に移動)
Women Slalom Elimination3
Winner’s Final
1st NOR-39 Helle Oppedal Norway
2nd FRA-775 Delphine Cousin Questel France
3rd E-3 Blanca Alabau Spain
4th FRA-118 Marion Mortefon France
5th F-171 Justine Lemeteyer France
6th HKG-3 Ma Kwan Ching Hong Kong
7th ISR-3 Tibi Shacar Israel
NZL-48 Veerle Veerle ten Have New Zealand
Loser’s Final
1st GER-799 Theresa Steinlein German
2nd AUS-420 Sammie Costin Australia
3rd GBR-96 Jenna Gibson Great Britain
4th GBR-248 Alice Read Great Britain
5th ARU-91 Sarah-Quita Offringa Aruba
6th FRA-203 Mae Davico France
7th PN-35 伊勢田 愛 Japan
8th JPN-311 穴山 未生 Japan
1st FRA-775 Delphine Cousin Questel France
2nd ISR-3 Tibi Shacar Israel
3rd E-3 Blanca Alabau Spain
4th NOR-39 Helle Oppedal Norway
5th GER-799 Theresa Steinlein German
6th ARU-91 Sarah-Quita Offringa Aruba
7th AUS-420 Sammie Costin
GBR-96 Jenna Gibson Great Britain
1st FRA-118 Marion Mortefon France
2nd IF-171 Justine Lemeteyer France
3rd HKG-3 Ma Kwan Ching Hong Kong
4th NZL-48 Veerle Veerle ten Have New Zealand
5th GBR-248 Alice Read Great Britain
6th JPN-35 伊勢田 愛 Japan
7th FRA-203 Mae Davico France
8th JPN-311 穴山 未生 Japan
1st E-3 Blanca Alabau Spain
2nd FRA-775 Delphine Cousin Questel France
3rd NOR-39 Helle Oppedal Norway
4th AUS-420 Sammie Costin
5th NC-815 Océane Lescadieu France/New Caledonia
6th JPN-470 須長 由季 Japan
7th J-165 窪田 玲佳 Japan
1st ISR-3 Tibi Scahar Israel
2nd ARU-91 Sarah-Quita Offringa Aruba
3rd GBR-96 Jenna Gibson Great Britain
4th GER-799 Theresa Steinlein German
5th J-94 大西 富士子 Japan
6th JPN-31 山辺 美希 Japan
JPN-3103 鈴木 智美 Japan
1st FRA-118 Marion Mortefon France
2nd HKG-3 Ma Kwan Ching Hong Kong
3rd JPN-311 穴山 未生 Japan
4th FRA-203 Mae Davico France
5th GBR-71 Sarah Jackson Great Britain
6th JPN-498 鈴木 理美 Japan
JPN-774 石井 有夏 Japan
1st F-171 Justine Lemeteyer France
2nd NZL-48 Veerle Veerle ten Have New Zealand
3rd GBR-248 Alice Read Great Britain
4th JPN-35 伊勢田 愛 Japan
5th JPN-371 佐伯 さな Japan
6th JPN-4 新嶋 莉奈 Japan
JPN-61 鈴木 文子 Japan
Women Slalom Elimination2
Winner’s Final
1st E-3 Blanca Alabau Spain
2nd FRA-118 Marion Mortefon France
3rd F-171 Justine Lemeteyer France
4th GBR-96 Jenna Gibson Great Britain
5th ARU-91 Sarah-Quita Offringa Aruba
6th NZL-48 Veerle Veerle ten Have New Zealand
7th GBR-71 Sarah Jackson Great Britain
8th FRA-775 Delphine Cousin Questel France
Loser’s Final
1st NOR-39 Helle Oppedal Norway
2nd HKG-3 Ma Kwan Ching Hong Kong
3rd JPN-4 新嶋 莉奈 Japan
4th GER-799 Theresa Steinlein German
5th JPN-31 山辺 美希 Japan
6th JPN-371 佐伯 さな Japan
7th NC-815 Océane Lescadieu France/New Caledonia
JPN-311 穴山 未生 Japan
1st FRA-118 Marion Mortefon France
2nd ARU-91 Sarah-Quita Offringa Aruba
3rd F-171 Justine Lemeteyer France
4th NZL-48 Veerle Veerle ten Have New Zealand
5th NC-815 Océane Lescadieu France/New Caledonia
6th JPN-371 佐伯 さな Japan
JPN-4 新嶋 莉奈 Japan
JPN-470 須長 由季 Japan
HEAT5 ※レース結果不明 確認次第掲載
FRA-775 Delphine Cousin Questel France
E-3 Blanca Alabau Spain
GBR-96 Jenna Gibson Great Britain
GBR-71 Sarah Jackson Great Britain
NOR-39 Helle Oppedal Norway
GER-799 Theresa Steinlein German
JPN-31 山辺 美希 Japan
HKG-3 Ma Kwan Ching Hong Kong
1st FRA-118 Marion Mortefon France
2nd JPN-371 佐伯 さな Japan
3rd NC-815 Océane Lescadieu France/New Caledonia
4th NZL-48 Veerle Veerle ten Have New Zealand
5th FRA-203 Mae Davico France
6th JPN-61 鈴木 文子 Japan
J-165 窪田 玲佳 Japan
1st AUS-420 Sammie Costin
2nd F-171 Justine Lemeteyer France
3rd JPN-4 新嶋 莉奈 Japan
4th ARU-91 Sarah-Quita Offringa Aruba
5th JPN-311 穴山 未生 Japan
6th JPN-470 須長 由季 Japan
JPN-3103 鈴木 智美 Japan
1st E-3 Blanca Alabau Spain
2nd GBR-71 Sarah Jackson Great Britain
3rd NOR-39 Helle Oppedal Norway
4th JPN-31 山辺 美希 Japan
5th JPN-35 伊勢田 愛 Japan
6th JPN-498 鈴木 理美 Japan
7th JPN-774 石井 有夏 Japan
1st FRA-775 Delphine Cousin Questel France
2nd GBR-96 Jenna Gibson Great Britain
3rd HKG-3 Ma Kwan Ching Hong Kong
4th ISR-3 Tibi Shacar
5th GER-799 Theresa Steinlein German
6th J-94 大西 富士子 Japan
7th GBR-248 Alice Read Great Britain
Slalom Women Elimination1
WINNER’S FINAL (上位8名の順位決定戦)
1st FRA-118 Marion Mortefon France
2nd NOR-39 Helle Oppedal Norway
3rd HKG-3 Ma Kwan Ching Hong Kong
4th F-171 Justine Lemeteyer France
5th JPN-4 新嶋 莉奈 Japan
6th JPN-35 伊勢田 愛 Japan
7th FRA-203 Mae Davico France
FRA-775 Delphine Cousin Questel France
LOSER’S FINAL (9位~16位順位決定戦)
1st JPN-311 穴山 未生 Japan
2nd JPN-470 須長 由季 Japan
3rd J-94 大西 富士子 Japan
4th GBR-71 Sarah Jackson Great Britain
5th JPN-61 鈴木 文子 Japan
NZL-48 Veerle Veerle ten Have New Zealand
JPN-31 山辺 美希 Japan
ISR-3 Tibi Shacar Israel
1st HKG-3 Ma Kwan Ching Hong Kong
2nd NOR-39 Helle Oppedal Norway
3rd JPN-35 伊勢田 愛 Japan
4th FRA-203 Mae Davico France
5th J-94 大西 富士子 Japan
6th JPN-61 鈴木 文子 Japan
7th GBR-71 Sarah Jackson Great Britain
ISR-3 Tibi Shacar Israel
1st FRA-775 Delphine Cousin Questel France
2nd JPN-4 新嶋 莉奈 Japan
3rd FRA-118 Marion Mortefon France
4th F-171 Justine Lemeteyer France
5th NZL-48 Veerle Veerle ten Have New Zealand
6th JPN-470 須長 由季 Japan
7th JPN-31 山辺 美希 Japan
JPN-311 穴山 未生 Japan
【冬季・ワンデイスパ 】江の島アイランドスパ 温泉・プール利用で1日満喫チケット※小学生日曜不可
1st FRA-203 Mae Davico France
2nd JPN-35 伊勢田 愛 Japan
3rd J-94 大西 富士子 Japan
4th JPN-61 鈴木 文子 Japan
5th JPN-371 佐伯 さな Japan
6th ARU-91 Sarah-Quita Offringa Aruba
7th JPN-3103 鈴木 智美 Japan
1st HKG-3 Ma Kwan Ching Hong Kong
2nd NOR-39 Helle Oppedal Norway
3rd GBR-71 Sarah Jackson Great Britain
4th E-3 Blanca Alabau Spain
5th GBR-96 Jenna Gibson Great Britain
ISR-3 Tibi Shcar Israel
GER-799 Theresa Steinlein German
1st JPN-4 新嶋 莉奈 Japan
2nd FRA-118 Marion Mortefon France
3rd F-171 Justine Lemeteyer France
4th JPN-311 穴山 未生 Japan
5th AUS-420 Sammie Costin Australia
J-165 窪田 玲佳 Japan
NC-815 Océane Lescadieu France/New Caledonia
1st FRA-775 Delphine Cousin Questel France
2nd JPN-470 須長 由季 Japan
3rd JPN-31 山辺 美希 Japan
4th NZL-48 Veerle Veerle ten Have New Zealand
5th GBR-248 Alice Read Great Britain
6th JPN-3103 鈴木 智美 Japan
7th JPN-774 石井 有夏 Japan
PR:アソビュー 新江ノ島水族館
【アソビューで予約12月11日(日)】Dolly Night Aquarium15時~17時入場券付チケット
Men Slalom Elimination3
Winner’s Final
1st POL-23 Maciek Rutkowski Poland
2nd CRO-401 Enrico Marotti Croatia
3rd F-465 Nicolas Goyard France
4th ITA-140 Matteo Iachino Italy
5th DEN-37 Johan Soe Denmark
6th F-192 Antoine Albeau France
7th BRA-7 Mateus Isaac Brazil
NB-20 Amado Vrieswijk Bonaire
Loser’s Final
1st F-14 Pierre Mortefon France
2nd GER-220 Sebastian Kördel German
3rd DEN-24 Sebastian Kornum Denmark
4th FRA-99 Antoine Questel France
5th FRA-330 William Huppert France
6th THAI-1 Will McMillan Thailand
ITA-160 Bruno Martini Italy
FRA-498 Basile Jacquin France
1st F-465 Nicolas Goyard France
2nd POL-23 Maciek Rutkowski Poland
3rd DEN-37 Johan Soe Denmark
4th THAI-1 Will McMillan Thailand
5th ITA-160 Bruno Martini Italy
ITA-140 Matteo Iachino Italy
F-14 Pierre Mortefon France
FRA-99 Antoine Questel France
1st NB-20 Amado Vrieswijk Bonaire
2nd BRA-7 Mateus Isaac Brazil
3rd FRA-330 William Huppert France
4th DEN-24 Sebastian Kornum Denmark
CRO-401 Enrico Marotti Croatia
F-192 Antoine Albeau France
FRA-498 Basile Jacquin France
GER-220 Sebastian Kördel German
1st ITA-160 Bruno Martini Italy
2nd POL-23 Maciek Rutkowski Poland
3rd F-465 Nicolas Goyard France
4th FRA-752 Alexandre Cousin France
5th LTU-7 Rytis Jasiunas Lithuania
6th FRA-91 Cedric Bordes France
7th JPN-67 山田 昭彦 Japan
ITA-140 Matteo Iachino Italy
1st DEN-37 Johan Soe Denmark
2nd F-14 Pierre Mortefon France
3rd FRA-99 Antoine Questel France
4th THAI-1 Will McMillan Thailand
5th ISR-1 Arnon Dagan Israel
6th BEL-250 Cyril Evrard Belgium
7th NB-9 Elton Taty Frans Bonaire
8th J-25 浅野 則夫 Japan
1st FRA-330 William Huppert France
2nd CRO-401 Enrico Marotti Croatia
3rd BRA-7 Mateus Isaac Brazil
4th FRA-498 Basile Jacquin France
5th FRA-1052 Lohan Jules France
6th F-888 Jimmy Thieme France
7th FRA-6 Julien Bontemps France
8th J-99 小玉 欣一 Japan
1st NB-20 Amado Vrieswijk Bonaire
2nd GER-220 Sebastian Kördel German
3rd DEN-24 Sebastian Kornum Denmark
4th F-192 Antoine Albeau France
5th NED-69 Jordy Vonk Holland
6th FRA-945 Pierre Macquaert France
7th JPN-60 穴見 知典 Japan
ITA-60 Daniele Benedetti Iyaly
1st ITA-160 Bruno Martini Italy
2nd LTU-7 Rytis Jasiunas Lithuania
3rd FRA-91 Cedric Bordes France
4th JPN-67 山田 昭彦 Japan
5th JPN6 穴見 賢太 Japan
6th JPN-75 田島 航 Japan
7th JPN-4501 中嶋 颯 Japan
JPN-54 倉持 大也 Japan
1st ISR-1 Arnon Dagan Israel
2nd BEL-250 Cyril Evrard Belgium
3rd J-25 浅野 則夫 Japan
4th NB-9 Elton Taty Frans Bonaire
5th SGP-1 Wearn Haw Tan Singapore
6th JPN-84 北原 賢 Japan
7th JPN-28 賀来 耕一郎 Japan
JPN-332 力竹 孝 Japan
1st BRA-7 Mateus Isaac Brazil
2nd FRA-6 Julien Bontemps France
3rd F-888 Jimmy Thieme France
4th J-99 小玉 欣一 Japan
5th JPN-814 金上 颯大 Japan
6th SGP-21 Lo Jun Hao Singapore
7th JPN-450 中嶋 基 Japan
JPN-121 中井 忠則 Japan
1st DEN-24 Sebastian Kornum Denmark
2nd JPN-60 穴見 知典 Japan
3rd FRA-945 Pierre Macquaert France
4th JPN-11 富澤 慎 Japan
5th JPN-22 国枝 信哉 Japan
ITA-60 Daniele Benedetti Iyaly
J-850 五端 博之 Japan
JPN-57 香村 治彦 Japan
1st JPN-84 北原 賢 Japan
2nd J-85 鈴木 智彦 Japan
3rd JPN-1117 大館 弘 Japan
4th JPN-97 田渕 雅基 Japan
JPN-67 山田 昭彦 Japan
JPN-332 力竹 孝 Japan
JPN-54 倉持 大也 Japan
JPN-21 生駒 大輔 Japan
1st J-99 小玉 欣一 Japan
2nd JPN-57 香村 治彦 Japan
3rd J-850 五端 博之 Japan
4th JPN-450 中嶋 基 Japan
5th NMI-1 大野 晴光 Saipan
6th JPN-77 永井 克郎 Japan
7th JPN-33 忽那 敏章 Japan
JPN-9 工藤 輝 Japan
Men Slalom Elimination2
Winner’s Final
1st ITA-140 Matteo Iachino Italy
2nd CRO-401 Enrico Marotti Croatia
3rd NB-20 Amado Vrieswijk Bonaire
4th DEN-37 Johan Soe Denmark
5th F-14 Pierre Mortefon France
6th NED-69 Jordy Vonk Holland
7th FRA-498 Basile Jacquin France
8th POL-23 Maciek Rutkowski Poland
Loser’s Final
1st FRA-752 Alexandre Cousin France
2nd FRA-330 William Huppert France
3rd F-192 Antoine Albeau France
4th THAI-1 Will McMillan Thailand
5th FRA-99 Antoine Questel France
6th GER-220 Sebastian Kördel German
7th FRA-1052 Lohan Jules France
8th F-465 Nicolas Goyard France
1st NB-20 Amado Vrieswijk Bonaire
2nd POL-23 Maciek Rutkowski Poland
3rd CRO-401 Enrico Marotti Croatia
4th DEN-37 Johan Soe Denmark
5th F-465 Nicolas Goyard France
6th F-192 Antoine Albeau France
THAI-1 Will McMillan Thailand
FRA-1052 Lohan Jules France
1st ITA-140 Matteo Iachino Italy
2nd F-14 Pierre Mortefon France
3rd NED-69 Jordy Vonk Holland
4th FRA-498 Basile Jacquin France
5th GER-220 Sebastian Kördel German
6th FRA-752 Alexandre Cousin France
7th FRA-330 William Huppert France
8th FRA-99 Antoine Questel France
1st NB-20 Amado Vrieswijk Bonaire
2nd F-465 Nicolas Goyard France
3rd THAI-1 Will McMillan Thailand
4th DEN-37 Johan Soe Denmark
5th FRA-91 Cedric Bordes France
6th FRA-6 Julien Bontemps France
7th NB-9 Elton Taty Frans Bonaire
ITA-60 Daniele Benedetti Iyaly
1st CRO-401 Enrico Marotti Croatia
2nd POL-23 Maciek Rutkowski Poland
3rd F-192 Antoine Albeau France
4th FRA-1052 Lohan Jules France
5th FRA-945 Pierre Macquaert France
6th LTU-7 Rytis Jasiunas Lithuania
7th JPN-814 金上 颯大 Japan
8th J-25 浅野 則夫 Japan
1st FRA-498 Basile Jacquin France
2nd NED-69 Jordy Vonk Holland
3rd FRA-99 Antoine Questel France
4th FRA-330 William Huppert France
5th F-888 Jimmy Thieme France
6th ISR-1 Arnon Dagan Israel
DEN-24 Sebastian Kornum Denmark
BRA-7 Mateus Isaac Brazil
HEAT7 掲載準備中
HEAT6 掲載準備中
1st DEN-24 Sebastian Kornum Denmark
2nd NED-69 Jordy Vonk Holland
3rd F-888 Jimmy Thieme France
4th ISR-1 Arnon Dagan Israel
5th ITA-160 Bruno Martini Italy
6th JPN-121 中井 忠則 Japan
7th JPN-9 工藤 輝 Japan
JPN-54 倉持 大也 Japan
1st GER-220 Sebastian Kördel German
2nd JPN-60 穴見 知典 Japan
3rd JPN-75 田島 航 Japan
4th BEL-250 Cyril Evrard Belgium
5th SGP-1 Wearn Haw Tan Singapore
6th JPN-22 国枝 信哉 Japan
7th JPN-84 北原 賢 Japan
8th JPN-77 永井 克郎 Japan
1st THAI-1 Will McMillan Thailand
2nd FRA-945 Pierre Macquaert France
3rd J-99 小玉 欣一 Japan
4th JPN-57 香村 治彦 Japan
5th JPN-97 田渕 雅基 Japan
6th JPN-332 力竹 孝 Japan
JPN-11 富澤 慎 Japan
J-850 五端 博之 Japan
1st ISR-1 Arnon Dagan Israel
2nd BEL-250 Cyril Evrard Belgium
3rd JPN-75 田島 航 Japan
4th J-85 鈴木 智彦 Japan
5th JPN-1117 大館 弘 Japan
6th JPN-33 忽那 敏章 Japan
7th NMI-1 大野 晴光 Saipan
Men Slalom Elimination1
1st BRA-7 Mateus Isaac Brazil
6th F-14 Pierre Mortefon France
65 Nicolas Goyard France
FRA-498 Basile Jacquin France (Recall)
4th CRO-401 Enrico Marotti Croatia
DEN-37 Johan Soe Denmark
2nd ITA-140 Matteo Iachino Italy
3rd POL-23 Maciek Rutkowski Poland
ITA-60 Daniele Benedetti Iyaly
1st NB-20 Amado Vrieswijk Bonaire
5th LTU-7 Rytis Jasiunas Lithuania
6th JPN6 穴見 賢太 Japan
3rd FRA-752 Alexandre Cousin France
FRA-99 Antoine Questel France
2nd FRA-330 William Huppert France
4th FRA-1052 Lohan Jules France
HEAT12 ・・・確認取れ次第掲載します
1st F-465 Nicolas Goyard France
2nd ITA-60 Daniele Benedetti Iyaly
3rd FRA-498 Basile Jacquin France
4th NB-20 Amado Vrieswijk Bonaire
5th FRA-91 Cedric Bordes France
6th J-25 浅野 則夫 Japan
SGP-1 Wearn Haw Tan Singapore
GER-220 Sebastian Kördel German
4th NB-20 Amado Vrieswijk Bonaire
5th FRA-91 Cedric Bordes France
GER-220 Sebastian Kördel German
1st F-465 Nicolas Goyard France
6th J-25 浅野 則夫 Japan
2nd ITA-60 Daniele Benedetti Iyaly
3rd FRA-498 Basile Jacquin France
SGP-1 Wearn Haw Tan Singapore
3rd LTU-7 Rytis Jasiunas Lithuania
2nd F-14 Pierre Mortefon France
1st BRA-767 Mateus Isaac Brazil
6th F-888 Jimmy Thieme France
5th FRA-6 Julien Bontemps France
] JPN6 穴見 賢太 Japan
F-192 Antoine Albeau France
2nd DEN-37 Johan Soe Denmark
3rd FRA-330 William Huppert France
4th FRA-1052 Lohan Jules France
JPN-21 生駒 大輔 Japan
5th JPN-60 穴見 知典 Japan
ITA-160 Bruno Martini Italy
6th NED-69 Jordy Vonk Holland
1st POL-23 Maciek Rutkowski Poland
5th DEN-24 Sebastian Kornum Denmark
1st CRO-401 Enrico Marotti Croatia
2nd ITA-140 Matteo Iachino Italy
3rd FRA-752 Alexandre Cousin France
6th JPN-22 国枝 信哉 Japan
JPN-28 賀来 耕一郎 Japan
SGP-21 Lo Jun Hao Singapore
4th FRA-99 Antoine Questel France
ISR-1 Arnon Dagan Israel
3rd J-25 浅野 則夫 Japan
4th FRA-498 Basile Jacquin France
6th JPN-67 山田 昭彦 Japan
1st ITA-60 Daniele Benedetti Iyaly
5th JPN-121 中井 忠則 Japan
NMI-1 大野 晴光 Saipan
2nd SGP-1 Wearn Haw Tan Singapore
1st F-888 Jimmy Thieme France
2nd FRA-6 Julien Bontemps France
3rd JPN6 穴見 賢太 Japan
4th JPN-814 金上 颯大 Japan
5th JPN-9 工藤 輝 Japan
6th JPN-57 香村 治彦 Japan
J-99 小玉 欣一 Japan
NB-9 Elton Taty Frans Bonaire
1st JPN-4501 中嶋 颯 Japan
5th ITA-160 Bruno Martini Italy
FRA-1052 Lohan Jules France
F-14 Pierre Mortefon France
2nd JPN-21 生駒 大輔 Japan
3rd JPN-450 中嶋 基 Japan
J-25 浅野 則夫 Japan
PN-60 穴見 知典 Japan
4th J-85 鈴木 智彦 Japan
BEL-250 Cyril Evrard Belgium
JPN-28 賀来 耕一郎 Japan
1st FRA-99 Antoine Questel France
3rd JPN-22 国枝 信哉 Japan
5th JPN-77 永井 克郎 Japan
4th JPN-84 北原 賢 Japan
2nd SGP-21 Lo Jun Hao Singapore
J-850 五端 博之 Japan
2nd JPN-814 金上 颯大 Japan
JPN-54 倉持 大也 Japan
NMI-1 大野 晴光 Saipan
JPN-11 富澤 慎 Japan
3rd JPN6 穴見 賢太 Japan
4th SGP-1 Wearn Haw Tan Singapore
1st ITA-60 Daniele Benedetti Iyaly
1st FRA-1052 Lohan Jules France
2nd SGP-21 Lo Jun Hao Singapore
3rd THAI-1 Will McMillan Thailand
6th JPN-1117 大館 弘 Japan
JPN-33 忽那 敏章 Japan
JPN-97 田渕 雅基 Japan
5th JPN-332 力竹 孝 Japan
4th JPN-4501 中嶋 颯 Japan
TABITOはアプリでも記事が読めます!(2023年1月1日スタート スポーツ・全国のホットな話題をお届け。イベント時のクーポン発行も。※現在、プレ開設中・登録、記事閲覧は可能でISR-r